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The Same People I SaneBlackhole keep showing up in my Inbox

I moved those emails to SaneBlackHole and they still show up in my Inbox, why?

Same Name, Different Email Address

Even though you see the same name, if you take a look at the email address, you will notice that the email address is different than the one you put in SaneBlackHole. When you train an email to SaneBlackHole, SaneBox creates a training for that email address only,  not for the name of the person or service.

If you have trained an email to SaneBlackHole and are noticing future emails from what appears to be the same person or service staying in your Inbox again:

  • 1st: if it’s Gmail or G Suite, always try moving them to your host’s Spam folder to see if they can be stopped before they even reach your Inbox level where SaneBox processing begins.

  • 2nd: try training them to SaneLater instead of SaneBlackHole.

But why can’t I just train them to SaneBlackHole and be done?

The problem you need to solve is that SaneBox thinks that the person or service behind the name is Inbox worthy even though it isn’t. When you train it to SaneBlackHole, you send us the signal that the email address is Trash-worthy. When you train it to SaneLater, you send us the signal that the person or service belongs in SaneLater and is not Inbox worthy. When in doubt train from your Inbox to SaneLater.


SaneBlackHole doesn’t work well for spam. Spammers go out of their way to make the next email sufficiently different so your previous training won’t apply even though it “looks” like the previously trained email. Spammers use dirty tricks. For example, there are often invisible characters in the subject line or header that are put there to cause trouble. Those can effect trainings or SaneBox Subject filters. Or it could be that the email address isn’t really the same and just looks similar. Or one of a zillion other spammy things. If it helps, we hate Spam too.

So if you are in either “Everything stays until you train it” or “Allow Interruptions from strangers” SaneBox processing modes, then try training the email to SaneLater instead of SaneBlackHole. That way at least any emails with that name can then go there so you can quickly eradicate them at your convenience with your SaneBox Digest.

Also, for some needs you can consider creating a SaneBox Domain filter.