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Recognizing SaneBox status: knowing what can Block or Slow things down

SaneBox works around the clock in boosting your power to overcome email overload with almost any email host you use. We focus your best moments on what’s important for you. And if SaneBox processing is ever interrupted somehow, due to technical difficulty or authentication trouble or other outages, a processing alert indicator will be clearly displayed on your SaneBox Dashboard next to the affected email address.

Where exactly can I see if my account is inactive or disabled?

If SaneBox processing is not currently active, our systems will clearly display a processing alert symbol on your SaneBox Dashboard and menu, right next to the affected address.

Electing to temporarily Pause your processing (or need for a subscription renewal) will also cause a SaneBox Processing Alert symbol to be presented.

Do I need to take action right away at first signs of trouble or not?

In this sort of situation we’ll keep trying and politely ring the doorbell until your mail server starts answering the door again as usual. Once you have SaneBox, sometimes fleeting mail server fluctuations that might have always been around just become more noticeable.

A disabled account alert symbol will remain on your SaneBox Dashboard as long as our lines of communication with your mail server remain obstructed. At the point where our requests to “talk” to the mail server you’re on begin to fall upon deaf ears, a red alert exclamation-triangle (status symbol) will be displayed on your account. This alert tells you something is preventing SaneBox processing on an ongoing basis.

If the trouble persists for more than a few hours, please inquire with our support team. Depending on whether our systems are just not getting a response or if your mail server is throwing back a particular sort of error code, we can query our engineers and let you know what to mention if you need to contact your email hosting support team. Most of the time though trouble clears quickly, and communication with your host’s server resumes.

Are there situations where SaneBox Processing might slow down?

Yes. Maintenance of your email server by your host or short-term resource intensive processing tasks for our SaneBox systems are two examples that may present brief delays. As long as our robots are not being completely ignored or blocked from speaking to your email host, your SaneBox account will not reach a disabled state or warrant an alert.

SaneBox begins at the Inbox level, keeping in close concert with your mail server. So any disruption and yes you may indeed see unimportant email just sitting in your Inbox and mocking you for a bit longer than usual before they are finally moved along. SaneBox processing will persevere and regain usual speediness, catching up on SaneAttachments or SaneReminders or SaneSnooze delays as the impairments or short-term account adjustment tasks clear and complete.

How can I cross-check when emails don’t seem to sort as I expect?

Visit your host’s webmail view of your email, in a web browser: compare with the view and state of your email as shown in your email software install or app. For rare situations where software or network or connection conditions may temporarily prevent your email app from staying fulling in sync with your email host server, your webmail is a more direct vantage point than your installed email client app. Whenever concerns arise, web-mail shows a more reliable real-time view of email Inbox and other folder contents.

What’s another way to verify SaneBox is active?

1.) Create a new SaneBox Training with an example email move from in your webmail for that email account.
2.) Then 5 minutes or so later look for that new training on the trainings section of your SaneBox Dashboard. (That’s a great way to see that SaneBox is with you and keeping watch, by seeing us actively incorporating your fresh new trainings.)

Your SaneBox may temporarily seem slowed down if you have:

1) Made recent changes to your SaneBox intelligence Settings,
2) Just turned on/off a new SaneBox feature folder,
3) An account signup or addition in progress, with a masses of mail in it,
4) An impairment on some part of your email host facility or a network between us.

So those are types of issues that may cause a temporary slow-down with processing new Inbox arrivals into Sane folders or processing for other account features. Rest assured! Our systems will work to balance processing tasks and catch up with core processes in-between completing larger account adjustments.

More Examples of things that can block or just slow SaneBox

1) Automated admin routines your email host does to their email server you’re on: With SaneBox, your email still lives on your host’s server where it always has. Our systems do not take over delivery of or primary handling of your email and SaneBox does not download or intercept your mail either. What SaneBox does is speak in special code to your email server. The emails being moved never leave your email account provider’s server. So the heavy lifting really depends on the attentiveness of your own mail server.

2) “Quota Exceeded” out of space errors from your email hosting account: If your email account exceeds the allocated storage space that your provider sets, to regain SaneBox processing function you’d need to work with the people who run your mail server to either be granted additional space or to take care of some of your email mass somehow.

3) Connection refused Timeout errors from your host’s email server: This is a condition that will disable SaneBox. If you see a SaneBox processing alert indicator on your SaneBox Dashboard and you’re not sure why, it’s time to check in with your email account provider. See about any recent changes or problems. (Ask if they made any firewall changes that now require settings for SaneBox to get though and still talk to your mail server.)

4) Remember too that email hosting setups are like a stack or deck of cards. Sometimes just one little piece of the puzzle can be impaired and temporarily stop or slow SaneBox, even when you don’t see signs of trouble from your favorite email app yet.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact our support team and we will be happy to assist.