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Apple Mail Calendar: Adding an iCal feed of your SaneReminders

How do I add my reminders to my calendar?

  1. Head over to your Reminders tab in your SaneBox Dashboard.

  2. Towards the middle of the page, you’ll see a button called Calendar sync.

  3. Click the button and Copy the iCal link.

  4. In the Calendar program, choose “New Calendar Subscription”.

  1. Paste the copied URL (from step 1) into Calendar URL field and click Subscribe.

  2. Change the name and update the Auto-refresh frequency to Every day and click OK.

  1. Now under the Calendars in iCal you can select the newly created calendar and view your upcoming SaneReminders.

Why is the reminder still in my calendar?

When the reminder gets replied to or you are reminded, it will still appear on the iCal but for a limited time or a limited amount of reminders. It is 7 days or the last 5 inactive followups, whichever is more. At this time, there’s no configuration to remove the older reminders or fulfilled ones from iCal.