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Gmail Tabs: Do the new Gmail Inbox Tabs affect my SaneBox experience?

The Short Answer: SaneBox will continue to perform as usual with the new Gmail Tabs!

If you’ve already opted into the new Gmail Tabs experience, you’ll notice that when you frequent your Inbox, email within Inbox is now categorized into different message categories of your choosing.

  • Primary: person-to-person conversations
  • Social: messages from social networks
  • Promotions: deals, offers and marketing emails + Gmail sponsored ads
  • Updates: personal receipts and bills
  • Forums: messages from online groups

Note that Gmail Tabs are only available for Inbox and will not affect any of your SaneBox folders

SaneLater Folder

SaneBox will continue to filter your unimportant email into SaneLater and keep your important email in Inbox which will then be categorized into Gmail’s Inbox Tabs

Sane Defer Folders: SaneTomorrow and SaneNextWeek

If you drag an email from one of your Gmail Inbox Tabs into a SaneBox defer folder, it will pop into the Gmail Inbox.Primary Tab when the snooze period is over.

i.e If you have an email in the “Updates” tab of the Inbox and move it to SaneTomorrow, it will pop into the “Primary” tab after the snooze.

Sane Attachments

SaneBox will continue stripping your inbound email attachments into Box or DropBox and replace the attachments with a link embedded into your email (regardless of which Inbox tab your inbound email has landed in)

SaneBlackHole Folder

If you drag an email from any of your Gmail Inbox Tabs into SaneBlackHole, SaneBox will register your training and all future emails from that sender will be Black Holed (placed straight into your Trash folder)

SaneReminders Folder

If you create a SaneReminders alert from within any of the Inbox Tabs, the reminder email will arrive in Inbox.Primary Tab unless you train Gmail to move it into a different Inbox Tab.

DIY Folders Folders

Any contact you’ve trained into a Sane Custom Filing folder will continue to be delivered there automatically.

SaneNotSpam Folder

SaneBox will continue to constantly monitor your Spam folder looking for emails that might be Inbox-worthy. When SaneBox finds one, it will be moved into your SaneNotSpam folder.