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Office 365: How do I find the server settings?

Instructions for New Outlook

1. While in Office 365 Outlook Web Access, click the Gear icon at top-right and Select View all Outlook Settings.
2. Click on Mail on the left and then Sync mail on the right and scroll down to POP and IMAP.

Instructions for Old Outlook

1. While in Office 365 Outlook Web Access, click the Gear icon at top-right and Select Options.


2. On the left, look under Accounts. Select “POP and IMAP” for your IMAP server details.

Note: Be sure you are not set to use POP in any of your email clients. Since your SaneBox folders are held on your 365 mail hosting server, you would not be able to view them if you have old-fashioned POP settings in any email programs you use. For more info on POP limitations, visit our

TIP : For older Office 365 accounts the IMAP server-address may differ from the common settings depicted in our example picture. Follow the above steps to check your account for yourself if needed.

Alternative Instruction.

If your screen looks like the one below, simply select the “Mail” option first to get to the Options screen.


Can’t use unicode characters in IMAP Exchange password

Office365 cannot handle non-ascii characters in your password. If you are receiving invalid password errors when trying to sign up for SaneBox, ensure that you are using only ascii characters. You can check by clicking on this link to see which characters are allowed to be used in your password.

SaneBox Compatibility with Office 365.

SaneBox works with any email client, device or provider (with the exception of POP-only providers, and there are very few of those left).

The whole point of SaneBox is to get unimportant emails out of your way so that you can deal with your important ones now. We take all of those unimportant emails and put them into SaneLater (or other Sane folders you activate) so that you can either archive or delete them when you have a free moment later.