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Understanding SaneBox's Helpful Emails

We know that you don’t want to be bothered with emails. That is why we try to make the emails that we send count. You can always choose to turn these off in your Settings but we recommend that you leave that setting turned on. We offer so many great features and want to share with you how they will best fit into your email life.

  • Onboarding Emails. These are sent out when you first sign up for a SaneBox account. The goal of these emails is to check on you and give you a tour of how SaneBox works. This is also a great opportunity for us to get to know you and your email style. The correspondence that we have received from these emails has inspired many of our newest features.


  • Nudge / Hint Emails. SaneBox has so many great productivity features that it can be hard to truly understand just how beneficial they are. We send these emails out when you activate a feature to better educate you on how they work as well as some tips and tricks for how to fully utilize them.


  • Digests. The SaneBox Digest is a list of unimportant emails in your SaneLater and other Sane folders that have yet to be read. It is an advanced tool to help you process your emails quicker than ever. If you are a long term customer of SaneBox, you’ll notice that some of your favorite features have received an upgrade. To our newest customers, you’ll be able to choose between different options. If you like the idea of selecting multiple emails / senders at once, you can now enjoy that option. Or if you want to archive, delete, or mark as read all emails in your Sane folders, you can do that in 1 click. We’ve updated the Digest to include way more features than ever before and we are sure that you all will love.

  • Training Confirmations. These are verification emails that allow you make sure a contact did not accidentally get trained to the wrong place. The most common that we see are SaneBlackHole trainings. These are trainings where emails are filtered to your Trash folder. These training emails become crucial in these situations.


  • Activity Reports. You have the choice of having these arrive weekly or monthly. These emails give you a report of how you’re doing. They also provide you details on any upcoming features and specials.


Special note: The days listed on this chart are aggregated at the time we start to send them. For example: If we send on a Friday you get days ending on Tuesday or Wednesday. Screen_Shot_2018-01-18_at_3.37.33_PM.png

  • Reward notifications. Who doesn’t want to be notified that they get a reward? These notifications let you know when someone you invited signs up for a SaneBox account.


  • Subscription updates. These emails are crucial and allow you to see the status of your subscription with us. We’ll send you automatic renewal notices, payment failed notices, and invoices.


  • Messages from Stuart. Stuart loves hearing from you and will occasionally send out an email making sure that you are happy with your subscription and often gives advice on how to better manage your emails.